"Let me tell you what I've heard..."

"…the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised to life, and the Good News is being preached to the poor." Matthew 11:5

Featured Stories

Festival of Jesus 2019

When you reflect on your life there are certain events you find life-changing. Attending the Rock Church of India’s Festival of Jesus held in January of 2019 was one such event for me. The annual festival held in Rajahmundry, India, displayed the power and love of God including the ability of a church to have a major impact on a community.

Her hands were made whole…

I want to tell you a story that the Bishop of the Rock Church of India told me a few months ago. A story about a little girl whose hands were covered in boils. They came to the house, a girl still in middle school and…

Music in the Reformation

Luther and Calvin’s Contributions to Music in the Vernacular Although the Reformation of the 1500s enacted numerous dramatic changes in Christianity, perhaps none were more important than those…

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Festival of Jesus 2019

Festival of Jesus 2019

When you reflect on your life there are certain events you find life-changing. Attending the Rock Church of India’s Festival of Jesus held in January of 2019 was one such event for me. The annual festival held in Rajahmundry, India, displayed the power and love of God including the ability of a church to have a major impact on a community.

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Music in the Reformation

Music in the Reformation

Luther and Calvin’s Contributions to Music in the Vernacular Although the Reformation of the 1500s enacted numerous dramatic changes in Christianity, perhaps none were more important than those…

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Did you learn to love?

Did you learn to love?

Did you learn to love your neighbor down the street who doesn’t look like you? Did you learn to love your classmate who has a lifestyle you disagree with? Did you learn to love your coworker who practices a …

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Greeted by Jesus

Greeted by Jesus

“I heard her outside. I was in so much pain that I didn’t want to check but eventually I went outside. As I walked out of my house I was greeted by Jesus. He was holding my daughter in His hands…”

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On His Sweetness

On His Sweetness

In the beginning God… Oh how I delight in thy name O God – there is a profound sweetness, a delight, a flutter of my heart a feeling that can be only described as indescribable. An emotion that permeates my whole a…

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I can read…

I can read…

Meet the woman who did not know how to read… She was attending the Lent street meetings after being invited by a Church member.

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