Poverty surrounds the city of Rajahmundry. Most of the villagers are uneducated and so poor that they must send their young ones to labor and earn for the family, rather than provide them with an education. Medical care and services are non-existent outside of the city and the villagers typically do without them. Often, their poverty prevents the option to hire an auto, pay the doctor’s fee, pay for any required tests, and the cost of medicines.

The Rock Church of India was established in 1993 in Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh with the purpose of spreading and promoting the gospel of Jesus Christ in India and aiding the surrounding communities. Over the years, the church has grown in membership and has also planted over 700 churches throughout the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Through this project, Rock Church of India proposes to expand the church building to accommodate its growth in membership and update the building infrastructure to modern structural standards. The total cost of this project is expected to be around $500,000.00, which includes the price of the architectural services, construction equipment, materials and workers.